Perform this Spell at midnight before any court appearance. Place papers associated with your legal battle on your altar. Place a candle to the right of them. At exactly midnight light the candle. As the candle burns brightly, study the f... Read more of WIN AT LAW SPELL at White Magic.caInformational Site Network Informational
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Heavy Metal Music

Welcome to Heavy Metal

Heavy Metal began in the late 60s and developed throughout the 70s and exploded into the mainstream in the 80s. Characterized as loud distorted guitars, rapid drums and at times screaming vocals Metal is everywhere these days. On this site you'll find lists of heavy metal bands that you can search by type of metal.

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Bands by Type

List of alternative metal music bands
List of black metal music bands
List of christian metal music bands
List of death metal music bands
List of doom metal music bands
List of folk metal music bands
List of gothic metal music bands
List of industrial metal music bands
List of new wave metal music bands
List of nu metal music bands
List of post metal music bands
List of power metal music bands
List of power metal music bands
List of speed metal music bands
List of symphonic metal music bands
List of thrash metal music bands
List of viking metal music bands